Robinsons Appliances is celebrating its anniversary and with that comes a Birthday Sale in their newly launch website only with Free Delivery and freebie items!
This was so timely because I made a post on my Facebook page a few days ago asking people to list 3 home appliances they want/ need and the post blew up with 500 comments and likes in an hour. I guess home appliances and anything to make our homes a fortress have been a priority these days. It has been a year and six months since the world was asked to stay at home to avoid the Covid-19 virus. Because we are always in our houses we have seen things we need to improve, add and buy, just so we don’t miss going out that much.
With that said, here are the top 5 Home Appliances people want/need in their lives right now .
Top 5 Home Appliances available at ROBINSONS APPLIANCES BIRTHDAY SALE!
What's Inside
Because people need to store more food that can last then for at least longer than usual, so that they don’t need to go out every day to buy fresh produce, the refrigerator is one of the most sought of appliances. Actually, this was one of the first big appliances I bought last year when I moved into this condo for the same reason.
Get 25% off on select Refrigerators at Robinsons Appliances they do FREE DELIVERY and with some FREEBIES too!
Washing Machine with or without Dryer
I used to go to the laundry all the time, it is way more convenient for me especially when living in a condo, there is hardly a space to hang dry clothes. But because of the pandemic, I stopped going to the laundry for my safety, even if they said the dryer kills most germs and viruses, better safe than sorry, At first, I bought a small folding washing machine because I thought this was just temporary, but then the weeks became months and now we’re a year, so I bought a washing machine as well.
Get 45% off on select WASHING MACHINE and DRYERS at Robinsons Appliances Birthday Sale !
Home entertainment is very important when in a lockdown or else we will all go crazy! Because of this everyone wants a new TV a bigger one that can make that home theater feels.
Get Up to 50% OFF on select items, FREE DELIVERY, +200 Go Rewards points, Free Soundbar, HAIER HW-05MCQ AIRCON
I bought air purifier and air ionizer myself because it makes me feel more safe especially when I go down get packages or just a quick store run. Plus it has been weirdly “maalikabok” lately, maybe because I became a “plantita” and a “cat momma”. But anyway, air purifier and ionizer are a great addition to our homes to make the air we breathe safer less particles and odor.
As for aircon , it is given. The Philippines is such a warm and humid place, especially recently when the heat just got crazy. A lot of my plants died actually. Aircon makes sleeping more comfortable. Sleep is something we should not deprive ourselves.
GET UPTO 35% discount on select items, Free Robot Vacuum, Free Delivery, Free Installation (select items)
Because eating is one of the only things sane to do at home, people try to eat healthy at least or eat well. Everyone wants to be a home baker or a chef at home and so the need/want to have these tiny kitchen appliances will make a difference. I myself got an electric mixer last year, it was one of the first things I learned during the first lockdown with my jowa (miss you!)
Air Fryer became a trend during the first lockdown as well because.
Water Dispenser is one of the things I got when I moved in because I don’t want to open and shut the fridge , to save electricity and my sanity. Plus I don’t need top heat water when I need it or keep opening the fridge filling up a pitcher to get cold water.
GET UP TO to 25% discount on select items, FREE SHIPPING at Robinsons Appliances Birthday Sale WEBSITE ONLY until September 12, 2021!
ROBINSONS APPLIANCE BIRTHDAY SALE is a WEBSITE EXCLUSIVE OFFERING now ongoing now, started August 11,2021 and will end on September 12, 2021.
VISIT ROBINSONS APPLIANCES ONLINE for home appliances items available:.
Website: www.