I was going to say Happy 2nd Year Covid-19 Pandemic Anniversary but I know happy is not the word to describe these past two crazy years living with a dreadful virus in our midst.
Congratulations are the more appropriate one. Congratulations because you and I survived it. If you are reading this now you survived, give yourself a pat on the back and probably a break from this break.
I call it a break because everything was broken, our spirit, our contact with the outside world, our life as we know it.
Gosh, I sound so dark. I feel dark.
Two years into the pandemic and I have become blank, flat, listless, stoic inside and outside.
I think I need a debriefing and I feel like I have PTSD .
I don’t want to do the things I used to do. Writing this was a chore. No, not really, I like to write, writing has always been my outlet and lets out my internal monsters. These past few months had been horrible for me.
I want to go out but I don’t want to go out. I want to go on a vacation but I don’t want to . I don’t want to be here but I need to be here for my daughter and my cat. They’re the only reason for me being here, they need me. The rest, of the world, will go on without me. My jowa, is my only cheerleader. I miss him. He makes everything better.
Damn, dark thoughts.
The last year of the pandemic I hardly did anything new, ok that’s not true, I did nothing new outside of my prison, I mean home.
I learned how to make pretzels.
What's Inside
I learned how to make scented soy candles.
I learned how to make pita bread.
I tried attending my first physical event and it just got me very anxious.
I tried making plans to go on a trip and failed. Depressing.
There’s nothing for me to look forward to. Nothing new, nothing challenging. I feel like I am just a robot doing things I do out of habit.
I feel effing bleak.
PTSD Counseling?
But really I don’t know what kind of help I need but maybe take me away from this misery I am feeling. I just need a break that’s all.
I hope I did not dampen whatever gleam of hope you have right now because Hey! We are Level 1 and they say we might go to Level 0 which is stupid because there’s no such thing as alert level 0 in the age of pandemic because zero means no more threat when there is. Oh, yeah, there is the new variant Dermicron , the combination of the Delta and Omicron Covid-19 Variant.
The world is just trying really hard to bring back the old normal when all business is open 100% full capacity and that they also now want the face-to-face schooling back for kids. Live with the virus is the new campaign of the world. But maybe what the world leaders should do is help the people go over the trauma first. PTSD debriefing.
But then who wants to go out now that the price of oil and gasoline and fuel hiked to unbelievable levels. That makes people stay at home still so as not to waste money they can use for food and shelter and more immediate needs like when we were in the lockdown.
There’s more reason for us to stay home now if Covid-19 didn’t do it the fuel and gas prices will.
One blow after the other how will we ever recover?
For those who have lost a loved one, a family, a relative, a friend, a colleague, a neighbor, an FB friend, I am truly madly deeply sorry for your loss. I know these words are nothing compared to the sadness you feel inside. The grief process is not easy, the loss can never be replaced. I pray for your heart, mind, and soul to heal, and may you live happily. May we all live happy and peaceful and content and may we get over the trauma.
What has changed since the 1st Covid-19 Pandemic Anniversary ?
2nd Covid-19 Pandemic Anniversary
What is our country’s “achievement” in the past year? Well we are on Alert Level 1 and all businesses are open and 100% full capacity of establishments and public transport. Kids age 5 and up are now getting vaccinated.
The reporting on the statistics of Covid-19 cases in the Philippines was downgraded to weekly reporting only so we will no longer look at it every day and feel the false safety against the threat of the virus. I think they did this because it’s the election period. The politicians can’t campaign if we are on a strict safety protocol.
The last daily report (march 7-8,2022) says we are 800+ a day only. Meanwhile, in South Korea they reached 372,000 a day ! Here’s the Covid-19 Pandemic anniversary statistics worldwide https://covid19.who.int/