I am driven, I am confident, I am beautiful, I am SM Woman. This was the message SM Woman, a women’s clothing brand of the SM group wants to impart to the world. While clothing is just an accessory to the real essence of being one, it plays a major role in making each one […]
I Stand Up for Every Woman #WomenNotObjects
I have to stop and think for a long time before writing this post. Part of the thinking process was analyzing my behavior on social media and see if I have in any way contributed and tolerated objectifying women online. I am relieved for I have not, while I have exhibited some form of narcissism […]
Birthday Realizations
This year, I planned to celebrate my birthday the way always do. Go away on my own and assess myself. Where I am now. Where I want to be. What is lacking in my life. How can I make most of what / who I have and where I am . Donate to a charity I […]