X-Mas Wishlist #4: Apple iPad

Dear Santa, I don’t think I made my desire about the Apple iPad very clear. I want it , I want it! I NEED IT! My blogging and updating my social networks would be so much easier that I can do it anywhere and anytime as long as I’m in a Wi-Fi hotspot! This thing […]

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Help Me Get An iPad Please!

OK! I’m gonna be a real beggar here, I really really want an iPad!  Please help me save some funds so I can buy my iPad when it’s ready for ordering in March by simple creating you own Paypal Wish List.  Too bad an iPad was not on the list yet but preferably I want, […]

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I Want An iPAD!

OK! Forget the Kindle DX I was talking about!  This is what I want and I’m gonna save for it!  And today Apple just  introduced the new iPad! Yes and iPad ! The perfect device I’ve been looking for! It has Wi-Fi, large screen, perfect for reading e-books, browse the net, watch movies and bring […]

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