Pepsi Taste Challenge Kicks off with Kathryn Bernardo joining Daniel Padilla as Main Endorsers + Winning Trinoma Leg for Most Preferred Soda

#PepsiTasteaChallenge #SundinangPuso

Finally following her heart, Kathryn Bernardo joins Daniel Padilla as the main endorsers of Pepsi Philippines. The #KathNiel team now dubbed as the King and Queen of Pepsi kicked off the Pepsi TasteC Trinoma Leg last Saturday.. At the end of the event, Kathryn revealed that 76% of those who joined the blind soda taste […]

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Never Settle, Become Your Best Beautiful

I’m assuming all of us want to become the best versions of ourselves. However because of circumstances we are often forced to settle for what is or “pwede na”. One example of this is when we get our government ID picture taken. More often we don’t look our best beautiful when our photos are taken […]

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