
Thwarted sensations, postponed fulfillments, they are what I believe to be the reason for my sleeplessness. I want to cry, I want to shout, stomp my feet on the ground, throw everything my hands can reach. I just want to break free! How can I go on? I cannot. Oh! just let me flop down flat on the road like a big fat jelly out of bowl and never move again!

“A mother wants all of life to be painless for her child. This is not a realistic goal, however. Deprivation and frustration are as much a part of life as gratification. It is some balance between these that a mother is looking for. To take the next step is always painful in part. It means relinquishing gratification on some level. If one is totally gratified where one is, why move ahead? If one is totally frustrated, why bother?” Elaine Heffner said, a psychologist who definitely knows what she is talking about. She sounded like echoing my thoughts 30 years after!

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