Spams, Floods, Stay Out I’m PMSing

Don’t you just hate it when someone floods or spam your blog? I got an anonymous commentator, but at least he/she/it reads my blog. There is one who absolutely doesn’t and it’s not the kind of thing I tolerate. I mean, I do tags sure why not, it’s a means to get more link backs as I was told, but, argh… never mind.

This is one of the days that my PMS is probably on the swing, stage one, hahaha! So better stay out and far away from me for a moment until a couple days or a week or you will feel my PMS wrath. Sorry if I deleted someone from my list because I was annoyed by the twice post of same topic on my two blogs which is annoying.

How would you feel when the rest in the comment box actually read and discuss what was posted then suddenly you will get a “Nice post, I tagged you bla bla…” then a link. Argh… just me I guess but I am on PMS mode so beware. Thank you and have a great day. But I read someone on BC hating the same comment too now I understand his sentiment hahahaha! You can’t really tell I guess unless you are wearing the same shoes.

Jade gurl as promised I’ll do the tag some time but not now because the PMS is creeping in and I have little patience at the moment. Mwah gurl.

I think this is one of the days when I woke up at the wrong side of the bed because I was awaken by my hypersensitive nose sensing some intoxicating odor that can kill a million and I need more sleep but can’t because of my little bugger.

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  1. Hahahaha Jade nope your not anonymous but that one was and is lol… hahahaha excuse me when I burst like that it’s just the moon is getting full in a day or two hahahaha…. PMS (pissy mood syndrome) I get annoyed by those kind of things lol 🙂 I’ll do it soon 🙂 promise… I like it it’s fun 🙂

  2. OMG at least I’m not anonymous right? I know one who leaves a comment just to tag, not even really a tag coz he/she doesn’t backlink.
    Anyway,take your time girl, you don’t have to do it now;) Stay beautiful.

  3. hahaha yeah pie but I deleted that comments already as in plural so annoying 😛

  4. hahaha…
    That’s a good rant. Your PMS would be proud of you.
    I have bad PMS too when I have it.
    Comments like that suck but you really can’t blame people for trying to get their blog noticed.

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