1) Definitely serves as my phone.
2) Then it’s my daughters music player (soothing device)
3) It’s my camera for now (because my digicam broke)
4) I browse the internet using WAP with it when I am on the move.
5) I send picture messages/MMS with it.
6) It’s my alarm clock.
7) It’s my organizer.
But wait as of yesterday I am experiencing HUGE communication error/s with it! Which is not good at all. (Maybe a sign that it wants to be replaced? Hmmm…can’t afford that right now.)
1) I can’t send picture messages using the MMS service on my phone.
2) While on the move yesterday my phone was showing communication errors. I was experiencing lots of drop calls and I CAN’T send MMS!
3) I have been experiencing device not recognized error on my PC and the USB cable connecting my phone and PC ergo I can’t upload the pics in it!
4) It’s not charging!
How to solve these problems:
My solution to 1 and 2 called my phone service provider to tell me what the heck was wrong with their system since I only experience these problem yesterday. Everything was fine before. The customer service girl I talked over the phone gave me some complicated instructions which took us 10 minutes on the phone. Since it was too complicated I asked for the instruction in resetting my MMS/WAP service and the instruction was easy as texting some simple words to a 4 digit number.
(UPDATE: Just a couple minutes ago, I tried sending the picture messages again to my e-mail and guess what? it worked! I didn’t so anything at all just tried sending the messages stored in my outbox waiting to be resend. And Viola! Works like a charm! Me happy again my MMS working I can send some of my pics to my email and unclutter my phone!)
My solution to #3 was the MMS service since I’ve been experiencing the device error for a couple weeks now actually months already. But since that service is not working as of yesterday I am kinda pissed.
My solution to #4 was to buy a separate device I can use to charge my batteries and also got an extra battery that I can interchange using.
But actually the solution to all of them is get a new phone, a same device or higher like that new I-phone!
I couldn’t make it through the day without my phone. It’s amazing how attached we become to our technology, isn’t it?
i have a SE phone myself that i simply adore. 🙂
I’m glad you are enjoying the phone 🙂