My Favorite Gadget

My post for Tackle it Tuesday and for Talk About Tuesdays (TIT for TAT!) is about my recently favorite gadget. My Sony Erickson K800i. It’s not as high tech as the Apple I-phone I am drooling over lately but I am happy with this one for being so multi-functional therefore making my life easier (so to speak).

How does this machine serve me?
1) Definitely serves as my phone.
2) Then it’s my daughters music player (soothing device)
3) It’s my camera for now (because my digicam broke)
4) I browse the internet using WAP with it when I am on the move.
5) I send picture messages/MMS with it.
6) It’s my alarm clock.
7) It’s my organizer.

But wait as of yesterday I am experiencing HUGE communication error/s with it! Which is not good at all. (Maybe a sign that it wants to be replaced? Hmmm…can’t afford that right now.)

1) I can’t send picture messages using the MMS service on my phone.
2) While on the move yesterday my phone was showing communication errors. I was experiencing lots of drop calls and I CAN’T send MMS!
3) I have been experiencing device not recognized error on my PC and the USB cable connecting my phone and PC ergo I can’t upload the pics in it!
4) It’s not charging!

How to solve these problems:

My solution to 1 and 2 called my phone service provider to tell me what the heck was wrong with their system since I only experience these problem yesterday. Everything was fine before. The customer service girl I talked over the phone gave me some complicated instructions which took us 10 minutes on the phone. Since it was too complicated I asked for the instruction in resetting my MMS/WAP service and the instruction was easy as texting some simple words to a 4 digit number.

(UPDATE: Just a couple minutes ago, I tried sending the picture messages again to my e-mail and guess what? it worked! I didn’t so anything at all just tried sending the messages stored in my outbox waiting to be resend. And Viola! Works like a charm! Me happy again my MMS working I can send some of my pics to my email and unclutter my phone!)

My solution to #3 was the MMS service since I’ve been experiencing the device error for a couple weeks now actually months already. But since that service is not working as of yesterday I am kinda pissed.

My solution to #4 was to buy a separate device I can use to charge my batteries and also got an extra battery that I can interchange using.

But actually the solution to all of them is get a new phone, a same device or higher like that new I-phone!

Here's something else you can read


  1. I couldn’t make it through the day without my phone. It’s amazing how attached we become to our technology, isn’t it?

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