Some of you may shy away from getting or using a credit card because you feel having a credit card is risky. I tell you, credit cards are your friend you just need to know how to use it to your advantage, just like the BDO Shop More MasterCard I’ve been using for years. They’ve re-launched the card which gives you 7 reasons to get one.

Reason 1: The new BDO Shop More MasterCard comes with a free SM Advantage Card which can be used to earn points while shopping at SM Department Store, SM retail affiliates and other SM Advantage Card partner establishments like PLDT, Petron, Taal Vista Hotel.
Reason 2: With the new BDO Shop More MasterCard you will get additional 0.5 point on top of regular points earned in your SM Advantage Card
Sample: Regular SM Advantage Cardholders earn 1 point for every Php200 purchase in SM Department Store. With the Shop More MasterCard, you will get 1.5 points.
Reason 3: Get 5% Rebate during SM’s 3-Day Sale weekends for a minimum spend of Php5,000. And if you shop during the 1st 2 hours on the 1st day of the sale, you can get a 10% discount on top of the sale price by simply presenting your SM Advantage Card.
Reason 4: Get 15% off on your first purchase using your newly acquired BDO Shop More MasterCard when you shop in SM Department store for a minimum purchase of Php3,000. This promo is valid until June 30, 2012.

To redeem the 15% off submit the Promo Discount Voucher included in your Card Welcome Pack upon payment , make sure to completely fill out the form
Reason 5: Worried about the membership fee? With the BDO Shop More MasterCard, first year membership fee is waived! For the succeeding years, you will pay only Php75/month for membership for the Principal cardholder and Php50/month for Supplementary.
Reason 6 : The new card looks nice! Comes in Black or White!

I can only tell so much about the new BDO Shop More MasterCard but I believe you should own one to experience the reasons I just stated. Visit to apply or inquire.
Stay gorgeous everyone and happy shopping at SM only with your new Shop More MasterCard!
Yes pwede po gamitin ung advantage lang
First time po ako nakatanggap ng bdo shop more mastercard. Yung advantage po pwede ko bang gamitin without using the credit card?