How To Prioritize On Gift Giving

Yes, obviously I am dedicating this months posts with everything that involves Christmas. I will be your Christmas fairy (or angel if you like)! Hahahaha! Ready to help you out to still be alive and kicking to enjoy the Holidays.

Today’s topic is about how to prioritize on gift giving. Who are the people you should always get a gift from us.

We all know that all economy in the world are experiencing a little setback (come to think of it haven’t we hear about that every year?) Anyway it’s just a reminder for everyone to be wise on their spending which is really good since money can be easily spend. Governments from every part of the world say they are losing money, to whom, how and when and where the money goes, they never can tell and they never ever tell.

Since we can not force the government to tell us where the tax they oblige us to pay really go (you know the corruption of funds and the economic recession, where did the money went, really? Does anyone know the answer?) We will just have to focus on our own finances so as not to feel the pinch or even the punch of a bad economy.

Christmas is a time of giving and a time when almost everyone feels generous. It’s all good but sometimes it can be bad when we spend more than we can really afford or because we are too friendly and a social butterfly we give to almost everyone we know or we barely know but just an acquaintance at the office or the neighborhood.

Being a social butterfly will actually empty a pocket since we want to make a good impression on everyone we know or who knows us that they are included in the people we give gifts. For me, such way is very unpractical.

So, how do you actually prioritize your gift giving without being called a tightwad (kuripot) or ungrateful one? It’s so easy.
  • Prioritize the people you are always with.
  • Your immediate family (mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, grandma, grandpa) is always not an exemption of course they are given and are always included in the list.
  • Next would be friend the one you always come to, the one you can always count on, the one who is always there, the one you see more often.
  • Then your nephew and nieces, sisters or brother-in-laws, and inaanaks (godchild, common here in the Philippines, I have 12 of them and counting!)
  • Then your boss (no explanation needed).
  • Then your closest office mates or work buddies.
  • If you have extra funds then buy something that is generic and can be given to both male and female (like my previous suggestion as a gift a gift pass is always a wonderful gift but you can never go wrong with food as for kids you can never go wrong with sweets like candies or toys.)

Since I am being a Christmas fairy/angel Chris (Mommy Journey) handed me this Christmas Spirit Award:

Rules said I must pass this award to someone who is also a true blue Christmas lover so I will pass this to Shawie (A Grateful Heart)

(Copy from here) Rules:
– The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with Christmas.
– You must link back to the person who gave you the award.
– You must list 5 things that you love about Christmas. If you can’t limit it to 5 things, then keep going till you run out of space! :o)
– Pass the award along to as many people as you like. That can be 1 or 45; it’s up to you. But, you must pass it on to at least one person in order to keep the Christmas cheer going! Let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving them a comment on their blog. (End Copy Here)

Seven (7) Days left before my Blog Giveaway! Haven’t joined yet? JOIN NOW! Details here.

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  1. lalu n ngyung me anak na ko, ilove seeing them o happy pag naka receie ng gifts!

  2. i love christmas kahit wala akong mg ninongs and ninangs nung bata pa ako =(

  3. do you know where I can find a suicide kit? I’m planning to give one to my boss on xmas. tnx.

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