Last July 2, 2009, Nuffnang Philippines President Eric Ramirez gave me a call to apologize and make-up for the way they treated me months ago (an incident before holy week in April 2009 and another during the iBlog5 on May 2009).
He called to ask me personally about the above incidents which he said he only learned two weeks ago. He knows the basic but not what happened entirely. He also read about the number of comments on my post.
1) He called to tell me that he admits their companies mistake since their system is not perfect yet and since they are just new in the blog advertising industry , 10 months to be exact he said.
2) That I should give them a break and give them another chance to correct their mistake. He also asked me if I could stop “bickering” them from now on.
3) That Nuffnang Philippines is trying their best to make their system work better for the bloggers and the advertisers and that if some checks are delayed they do apologize.
I appreciate the effort of Mr. Ramirez to call me personally and to supervise the deposit of the amount they owe me in my bank account for serving their ads since they started last year up to April 2009. I earned the said amount. Thank you Mr. Ramirez for calling and for giving me the apology I was waiting for.
My “ranting” was not wasted since something good came out from all of this:
1) I was told that they fixed the Nuffnang Philipines website (updating the site more often, more disclosures and cleared FAQ section.
2) They now accept bank deposits as a form of payment.
3) That Nuffnang Philippines staff will be more friendlier to bloggers and will answer to bloggers queries and as long as you post your concerns at their help desk and not anywhere else.
Mr. Ramirez texted me today and asked if I can revise my earlier post. I told him I will make an update since I just got my blog working again.