What Is Your Favorite Subject?

I was looking for old photographs to place in the tarpaulin I will lay-out for my dad when I chanced upon my high school memorabilia particularly my slum notebook/autograph notebook.  Yeah I know I was one of those “girls” who makes these scented notebook with very trivial questions for my classmates and schoolmates to answer.  My reason was for us to get to know each other better.

I could not help but laugh with the answers my high school friends made with the cheesy questions, especially the most popular question like: What is Love? The popular answer would be, love is a rosary that is full of mystery!   It’s so fun to read how during those times we are so innocent and all we know are the vague ideas about life.

Another question with a funny answer was What is your favorite subject?   The popular answer would be recess!    Some would say English and Science and I would definitely agree. One of the best Science subject I ever encountered was Physics.

Physics is the scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other.  In everyone’s Physics Lecture Note Sir Isaac Newton is one of he most prominent name. Newton’s three laws of motion Isaac Newton developed the three laws of motion describing the basic rules of how motion of physical objects change.  It defines the fundamental relationship between the acceleration of an object and the total forces acting upon it.   Although these findings were modified by the theory of relativity.

I know they sound complex but if you do your Physics Homework will be able to grasp the subject more.

Sometimes we think why such subjects is being taught in school when we don’t need them in the real world like Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus, I would understand Geometry’s practical use though.  But I guess they are needed for us to know the basics in case some would be interested to be scientist or mathematicians someday.

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