Facial Care Centre 30th Anniversary Party @ Manila Peninsula

The best way to start a new month is to celebrate it with a bang.  I am glad I got invited to Facial Care Centre’s 30th anniversary at the Conservatory of Manila Peninsula where most of Metro Manila’s society was there to celebrate with them. Present were Facial Care Centre’s roster of beauties : Cherie Gil, Dawn ZuluetaLagdameo, Amina Aranaz-Alunan, Agot Isidro, Patty Betita, Bianca Araneta-Elizalde, Amanda Griffin-Jacob , Delamar Arias , Shalani Soledad-Romulo and Giselle Tongi-Walters.  These women can be seen in FCC’s 2013 Beauty Calendar which is their way of commemorating 30 years in the beauty industry.

#FCC30 #FacialCareCenter@30 calendar gilrs/endorsers Dawn Zulueta Agot Isidro G Toengi etc!

The Beauty calendar depicts various interpretations of beauty, because nowadays, it comes in various forms. Gone are the days when only a particular kind of beauty is admired. Today, people have different opinions, they revel in uniqueness, freedom of expression and choice. Some go for the classic mestiza look, others for natural Filipina features as their beauty ideals. For some, beauty is in the way women move, carry themselves, or how real and simple they look, any time of day. “We wanted to capture all those in this calendar and what better way to do it than to ask all the endorsers of FCC to pose for it,” explains Irene Duunco-Stacy Facial Care Centre’s Group Marketing Manager.


Reaching 30 years is truly a milestone for any brand, especially in the beauty industry where competition continues to intensify through the years. “Celebrating 30 years as a leader in non-invasive, premium skin care is indeed a major accomplishment for Facial Care,” says Irene.

Here’s some of the Beauty Calender Girls photos

The gorgeous Dawn Zulueta for January

The very talented and forever young Ms Cherie Gil for February

Amazing designer Amina Aranaz for June

The Jennie Eperson for July

and Shalani Soledad-Romulo for November
Thank you so much FCC for making me a part of your milestone!   Congratulations FCC and Cheers to more decades to come of making women look and feel beautiful inside-out!

Here’s some event photos:

Fan girl moments namin ni Jheng lolz! My Mom loves Shalani Soledad so much so I make sure I will have a photo opp with her! While Jheng was super mesmerized with Dawn Zulueta so she made sure she will have a photo with her too!
Dawn Zulueta with JhengFCC@30 with Shalani Soledad
I enjoyed the party because of these lovely ladies

FCC@30 with Martha Shen Jheng and Tara

fcc@30 with Angela, Hannah and Shen

FCC@30 with Jheng and Martha

FCC@30 with Phoebe, Rowena and Michelle
Thank you NJ Torres for inviting us! Love your ribbons!

NJ Torres
I super love this Aranaz clutch gift from the event I love the tassel chain and the FCC USB too! Seriously, I wish all PR will consider using USB as their press kit!

Aranaz clutch from FCC30th anniv

To know more about  Facial Care Centre  call 892-SKIN (7546).

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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