If you thought it wasn’t meant to be. If you thought the day would never come. Well, you must have thought wrong because you can still have that second chance with that one! That is the Jorgen Effect that can also happen to you! So, are you planning to pop the big question to the love of your life or want to reconnect with an old flame on a super sweet dinner date on a cruise ship with that one. Well, here’s contest you should join to add more element of super bonggang sponsor leading to your big day! Woot!

Contest start today August 1, 2013 up to August 31, 2013
Visit: https://www.facebook.com/TheJorgenEffect to enter the contest and follow all the steps correctly!
Prize include that date on a cruise ship, a year supply of Jergens!
You may also watch Jorgen and Christine in this video
Here is your second chance! Grab it before it slips away (for good!) A little effort won’t hurt!
Good luck!
Stay gorgeous everyone!
How Did You Meet Your Jorgen teaser contest
1 Comment
What a fun contest! Good Luck!