What I Wore That Day: 34th Floor (WIWTD #7)

I know I promised way better outfit shots but it is such a busy busy hectic day! I barely have time to set-up the cam and pose before I leave, or set-up a cam at the place I went to and it’s not nice to pose for the cam after the days “work” where I’m already looking harassed and tired! Yes, excuses, excuses, excuses. I only have time to do mirror shots if I see a giant mirror at a venue I passed by or visited. So, to all the fashion bloggers out there who tirelessly post outfit shots everyday! I salute you! It is a hard work, takes a lot of conscious effort and a lot of effort! Au contraire to what others think that you just pose for the cam and shoot, nope, it takes a lot of effort!

So yeah, last week, I went to the 34th floor somewhere in Ortigas to sign a contract for a project. Yay! Amazing view up there! But before that I attended this Valor chocolate event and then passed by Forever 21 Megamall after where I sneaked a selfie OOTD, WIW shot! Haha!

The fabulous view from above!

WiWTD #7
And the view below! Haha! My shoes, one of my favorite tights, and top view of my bag and belt! Haha!

A closer look of the entire look


What I wore:
Asymmetrical top: Romwe
Belt: Romwe
Zipped Tights: Forever 21
Bucket Bag: BellissimaFirenze
Shoes: Zalora Philippines (Scarlet)

Closer look at my favorite accessories lately:

Most of the shops where I got my outfit are online except Forever 21! Thanks for looking!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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