I grew up being bullied by girls and boys who believed that someone with an olive/morena skin tone like me is ugly. I would sometimes go home crying and my father would see me. He would ask why am I crying? I’d tell him about how the neighborhood kids and my schoolmates teases me because I’m ugly. My father would always console me and and said he feels sorry for these kid who said these things to me because no matter what they say he believes I am beautiful and someday I will prove it to the world. That is how my father made me believe that I am and I will forever thank him for being the anchor of my strong self-confidence.

Considering the beauty crowns we’ve won as a nation, the impressive confidence of the Filipina to wield her own happiness, as well as the beautifying resilience of the Filipina spirit, this country definitely does not do justice to how beautiful Filipinas truly are.
This is where Dove is vowing to come in. As a global giant in personal care and as the original champion for real beauty, Dove wants to turn things around. Dove, through its superior products backed by real science and attested to by real women, via campaigns that tug at heartstrings, and by way of efforts that highlight real beauty, takes on the challenge of pushing perspectives to get more women to believe that they truly are beautiful.
Dove defines this new quest through the #IAmBeautiful Movement: a drive that seeks to up that 7 percent and get more Filipina women to love and appreciate their own beauty. The movement envisions that women have the confidence and appreciation to manifest their beauty in their own terms—free from any labels drawn up by society, not defined by gender differences, and abandoning the impossible standards set by media.
n order to support the Filipina in this change of perspective, Dove will rely on the same pillars that have constantly driven its efforts and expertise. At the heart of Dove lies the belief that every Filipina is beautiful, that she deserves only the best products, and that she can reach her full beauty potential by genuinely caring for herself. She does not need to live up to any standard; she is, after all, beautiful in her own right, lovely in her uniqueness, and captivating in her strength.

Be part of the meaningful #IAmBeautiful Movement now.
every Filipina is beautiful but more than the physical appearance it is the inside beauty that is more important.
pst why unfortunately (unfortunately I belong to the…)? nasobrahan yata ng un hehehe