There are only good photographs backdrop in this world. The ones we consider to be bad, are in fact the ones whose realness we do not like. It does not mean that the photograph is bad, is just that you don’t like it. How can something that immortalizes a moment be bad? Because that isWhat photography does and this is no secret to anyone.
The best way to make your 20 years old freshface last forever is to get a picture of it. Time is ticking and is constantly getting us older. That is the sad truth about life and photography deals with this issue like no other industry or art does. Besides making a look last forever, photography shows the reality in the realest possible way. That is why celebrities should never get mad when they are on the beach and a group of Miami photographers take pictures of them. The picture will only make their young look last forever. On the next day they will be just older. Life is cruel but it gave us photography so we do not forget how bad or how good everything was once. It is also giving us the chance to see howother parts of the Earth and not only, look like. There are even pictures made on the moon, which give us a possibility to develop our imagination no book ever does. The famous picture called “Earthrise” made by the astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission, makes us know how would it be like to look at the earth if you are standing on the moon, that is simply mind blowing. Today photography is a huge industry that keeps record of the events that are happening every day. It can be your wedding, your birthday or it can be the birth of the royalbaby. Everything can get captured by the camera today. People need memories and that is the main reason why they keep making photographs of so many aspects of their lives. There are always only good photos, because every image is one captivated particle of time that is alreadygone. And it is all done with the basic instruments photography got since it appeared, that is light and time. Alfred Stieglitz said “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality” and he was totally right because this art shows the reality in the realest possible way.
I enjoyed the unique information you provided, and I hope you will continue to touch with me for additional updates.
Awesome read. I am a photographer and I love your take on it. 🙂
This is such a great point! I will often agonize over getting the “right” shot and delete photos that don’t turn out but as you said, those are the reality.