To My Tweener Tasha


Dear Tasha,

I know you can’t read this but I want the whole world to know how I love you so.

You are the reason I am who I am today. You are my source of inspiration and strength.  You are an extension of my life.

Some people may judge me for my rash decisions involving you right away on every relationship I try to start. It is because it is not just for me but for you as well. I Want someone who will not run away because you are special and can’t take both you and me at the same time. We are a package deal. If they can’t take you then it is useless.  As much as I want someone to love me as me I would rather be a single mom forever than be in a relationship that will exclude you.  Because like I said if I can’t trust them with you and they can’t be a father to you I rather be what I am now.

I am thankful for having a sweet girl like you. I will always protect and love you until my last breathe. I pray that the Universe will protect you from all the evils in the world.

I love you my tweener Tasha.  I pray for more developments and improvements for you.  I wish to give you the best my dear daughter.  I LOVE YOU!

Happy Birthday my sweet Tasha.


Mommy Gorgeous

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