WIWTD #11 Day 2: Poro Point Freeport Zone Master Development Plan

Last week, the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) wisked us away to Poro Point in La Union for us to experience the Sillag Festival of Lights and to show us the Master Development Plan for the Poro Point Freeport Zone (PPFZ), a 146 hectarr property that will soon become the economic hub of the area.

The Poro Point Freeport Zone will be divided in four districts: (1) Business Hub and Lighthouse Area, (2) Commercial Marina and Transit Hub, (3) Sports Town Center, (4) Cliff-side Home. 

When I was there I explored the soon to become business hub which was the Lighthouse Area!

poro point la union lighthouse

This is the view of the lighthouse from Thunderbird Resorts

day2 : poro point light house

This is how the lighthouse looks upclose.

day2 poro point la union light house

96 steps high to get to the top!

day 2 poro point light house

The view at the top is more breathtaking!

360 view of the west philippine seas ftom poro point la union

From the top of the lighthouse you can see a full 360 view of the west Philippine Seas, overlooking Baguio and the entire La Union province.

360 view of poro point la union

The empty lands you see isbincluded in the PPFZ masterplan, District 1: Business Hub and Lighthouse plot include commercial establishment such BPO – ICT Retail/Shopping.

360 view of west Philippine seas from Poro point la union lighthouse

District 2: Commercial Marina and Transit Hub aims to develop cruise ship terminal and commercial marina with Intermodal Station.

Day 2 Poro Point Light House

District 3: Sports Town Center will be the emerging site for the Plaza with Track and Field, Sports Entertainment and Recreational Town and Medical Hospital too.

Sillag Poro Point Festival of Lights 2014
District 4: Cliff – side Home will be the residential area of Mixed Use Residential Apartments and Condominium Hotels.

The MDP will also include the upgrading of San Fernando Airport to meet the International Civil Aviation Organization requirements for catering to larger air crafts for international flights. The renovation also comprise of developing an airport terminal with mall complex, flaunted to become a small – scale version of Singapore’s international airport.

day 2: poro point la union beach
Oh yes, the beautiful cliff side. Sigh. I wanna get married there and live there for good.

Maybe find my father’s relatives there. He is from Aringgay, La Union. PPFZ Chairmam said he knows of my surname, so that’s a good start.

I haven’t been to where he used to live, I was born and grew up in Manila I am a Manila girl all my life. My mom said dad said my dad owns a parcel of land there, near the beach. If nobody land grabbed the property yet maybe I’ll get it and live the beach life I always wanted to be.

day 2: poro point la union beach
I do hope BCDA , PPFZ and Thunderbird Resorts won’t forget to invite me back when the Master Development Plan is in place. Can’t wait!

What I wore:
Dress from ROMWE

Read my Day 1 at Poro Point La Union enjoying the Sillag Festival of Lights and exploring Santorini inspired Thunderbird Resorts

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