So often we make the mistake of thinking our work wardrobe has to be a sea of beige’s, eggshells, pastels, and colors that blend right into the woodwork (or cubicles) we inhabit from nine to five. But recent trends in business casuals are changing this, and for most workplaces, these ensembles are not going to upset the system or draw so much attention that they keep coworkers from being able to concentrate on their work. Creating and curating an identity in the workplace is as important to looking good as it is to feeling good-self confident workers and execs make better choices when they feel empowered. And while it may sound silly to those who don’t believe in the power of apparel, internal strength exudes when you feel great about how you look.
So this year, exchange your off-white, three-quarter sleeved button-down for something that inspires (take a deep breath here) feelings and imaginative thought. For decades, worker bees and executives have been groomed to wear clothing and accessories that fall within a very tight framework-everything from the length of a man’s tie to the length of a woman’s hemline was all part of some tacit unwritten law. But the times they are a’ changing, and that change means you might actually get to wear bright red to work! Woot!

Now let’s look at how this works, because the assumption here is not to go full Lady Gaga and Beyoncé a la “Telephone” video to your job at Target headquarters in Minnesota. Let’s keep it inside the margins, guys and gals. You can’t stroll around in Gaga’s colossal clunky heels, but you can definitely rock some serious patterned skinny slacks or leggings with the appropriate top. It’s all about proportion and scale. For example, if you do go the route of the black and white spiral-patterned pants, keep the top tame-a flowy white blouse or black empire waist chemise shows people you’re not afraid of style, but you’re also not dealing with potential toys in the attic.
Guys, this spring and summer, stick with the form-fitting shirt and skinny tie. Yes, we know, the first Killers album came out nearly a decade ago, but yes, this is back, and in a big way-and at a much higher level. This is not the place to push it in terms of color pallet, as the cuts and styles themselves are already pulling a lot of fashion levers. But when you pair a light brown semi-formal shirt with a charcoal skinny tie (not too skinny, you’re not a member of Duran Duran) you’re definitely in business. Add this to flat-front pants and a sharp pair of semi-casual leather shoes (think bike courier meets boardroom) with some sharp socks to add some pizazz. Everything is in place for that Monday through Friday affair called work.

Let’s not forget the bag: ladies and gents alike. This season is all about loosening up and creating a sense of self as part of what you project. To that end, carrying a purse, tote, computer bag, or portfolio case that says something about you-and you’ll get away with a lot more here than you will with attire, so use that knowledge to allow yourself that slightly unconventional carryall.