You know the feeling, when you are young and fresh grad and got your first job, credit card is such as status symbol. The more you own the cooler you are. Until the moment of truth, paying the monthly credit card bills especially when you maxed them out!
When the event host announced that everyone who attended the Asia United Bank (AUB) Easy Mastercard launch will get their credit card, I got nervous. I don’t think I want to own another credit card again! You know the temptation that comes with having it. It gives you the guts to swipe and charge and spend more than you earn!
I think, I am not the only one who got this concern. First time or even multiple credit card holders got this second thoughts at having a new credit card. As they worry about the following:
1. high interest rates
2. the seemingly never ending payment to get the debt you incurred fully paid.
3. the fear of not being able to pay the minimum amount required to maintain / keep the card active,
4. and of course the bad timing (due date) to pay the card.
Upon writing, I got my card activated . It was as easy as calling them up and verifying the details I provided in the form. They called back to verify my credit card limit and the monthly payment I can afford.
I learned from that call that the monthly amount you can pay determines your credit limit, for example if you can pay Php3,000.00 every month, then you can get a credit card limit of Php30,000.00. If you can only pay Php1,000.00 every month, then your card limit is Php10,000.00 only.
This computation makes sense as they also showed to us how you can get your credit card bill/ debt paid in a year just like the example below where the cardholder maxed out her Php10,000.00 limit, within a year she is debt free!
It was this computation that made me consider getting this card. Plus these top 3 reasons to get an AUB Easy Mastercard Credit Card:
1. No Billshock as the cardholder can choose the exact amonth to pay; set Php1,000.00 montly payment, or Php500.00 semi-monthly, or Php250.00 every week. Credit card payment is always within the cardoholders set monthly budget upon card activation.
2. No need to stress about making the due date time as cardholder can choose exactly when to pay (determine the exact date and days to pay from 1-31 Monday to Sunday) as payment dates. You set your own due date at your own convenient day and date.
3. Manage your payment based on the availability of funds. Cardholder can choose how often to pay: monthly, semi-montly or weekly.
These three features are the industry first , giving the cardholder the total control over his credit card bill management and payment.
“By giving cardholders real control and flexibility, the AUB Easy Mastercard will definitely change the way people manage their credit cards and finances” AUB President Abraham T. Co said. “We are confident that the introduction of the AUB Easy Mastercard will not only change the way we percieve and use credit cards, but will be a game changer in th credit card industry as well,” he added.
In addition, here are the other things to consider:
- compared to other cards that has 3.5% interest rate, AUB Easy Mastercard has 2.95% interest rates only. Free annual fee on the first year and flexible annual fee payments on the succeeding years
- it also that have a rewards program,
- an electornic statement,
- and an “All-Ur-Bills feature that lets you charge utility bills to the card! CHARGE UTILITY BILLS TO THE CARD!.
- This card is also EMV chip-enabled and has a MasterCard 3D secure, which is another layer of security for Online Transactions.
- And since it has the Mastercard logo, you can use this in all local and international Mastercard promotions , retail outlets, online shopping sites in 210 countries that accepts Mastercard.
AUB is the banking arm of the Rebisco group and has a solid reputation of leveraging on technology to deliver a seamless banking experience for its customer.
To apply for an AUB Easy Mastercard, visit or call +63282-8888.
Are you ready to own this kind of credit card?
Stay gorgeous everyone!
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