Tools To Help Create More Attractive Photos #ImagineMore

Photography in the digital era has become accessible to all, allowing us to engage, document and share experiences visually. 
Instantaneous updating on social networks enhances our experiences and adds a new meaningful layer to our photography.

We no longer only want to capture and cherish a moment, we want to share and communicate a variety of experiences and activities with our friends and families. This new lifestyle means that we are increasingly seeking knowledge and tools, which will help us, create more skillful and attractive photos.

Tools To Help Create More Attractive Photos #ImagineMore Manfrotto

Camera Tripods and heads, lighting stands and accessories are an important tool in for a professional photographer to capture that perfect photo requirement for their work and Manfrotto has been one of the trusted brands they go to for over 40 years now. Based in Northern Italy at Cassola, Manfrotto designs, manufactures and markets a wide range of camera and lighting support equipment for the professional photographic, film, theater, live entertainment and video markets. The product line includes an extensive range of camera tripods and heads, lighting stands and accessories and are sold in over 65 countries around the world! They also distribute Gitzo tripods, monopods, heads and accessories.

Tools To Help Create More Attractive Photos #ImagineMore Manfrotto x National Geographic

National Geographic has teamed up with Manfrotto has teamed up to bring you the Nationla Geogrpahic;s Walkabout photo o bag collection. The photo bag collections captures the true spirit of National Geographic as these bags combine functionality, environment awareness and distinctive style. They are designed as everyday personal bags with specific photographic equimenent storage areas to cover every needs.

The National Geographic x Manfrotto Walkabout photobags comes in three different collection such as the Earth Explorer, Africa Collection, Mediterranean Sea Collection . Each provide ample room to carry cameras, media gadgets, laptops, accessories and even personal items.

Manfrotto photography tools, accessories and bags is available at Henry’s Professional, Clouds Fotos Cameras Gadgets and Lazada through Macpower Marketing Corporation.

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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