Ever Wondered What Was the #OneWashWonder

    When I got the invitation to attend the #OneWashWonder event, I wondered what product will it be. The invitation said it is something “8 out of 10 women can’t get enough of” . So, I wondered some more. Was it a feminine wash? A detergent? Or a mouthwash? I had no clue.

Then a follow up invitation of flowers came.

The event happened at the VASK in BGC. The place was dressed heavenly with white confetti hanged all over the entrance like clouds. Inside was white cut-out plants backdrop with giant pink flowers. Everything inside was in white and pink. Even the guests were asked to wear something white or pink. Food and drink was white and pink.

A lot of Filipino women are obsessed with whitening products. The collonial mentality brought to us by hundreds of years of colonization I think ingrained it on us.

Just recently I saw a news about Bianca Gonzalez-Intal and having to deffend her Morena skinned daughter because of the online bullies criticizing her baby’s skin tone. (Yes Filipino’s are very racist and discriminatory even until now in this modern times!).

However, unlike me who has embraced my dark skintone, a lot of Filipina women suffer from insecurity and even bullying because they have dark skin tone/ or Morena. I’ve been a victim of such but now I don’t care at all. I am morena and I love it.

Olay released the #OneWashWonder , Olay Skin Whitening Bar, for women who would like to tone down the critizing on their skin tone and get a few shades lighter without the sting like some old whitening soap bars do. Olay Skin Whitening Bar has tripple whitening system that gently exfoliates and evens the skintone. It even contains 90% of the active ingredients found in the Olay Natural White Day Cream.

Olay Skin Whitening Bar is avaiable nationwide in Rose & Milk, Vitamin C and Papaya with price range of Php34.00 (60g bar) and Php46.00 (90g bar).

#onewashwonder Olay Skin Whitening Bar

Are you one of the 8 Filipino women to try this soap bar?

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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