My Third Biotulin Treatment and Conclusion

Yesterday I had my third Biotulin trratreat at Flawless .

Since this is my third time I already know what to expect. They clean my face and then put anesthesia.  Yes, anesthesia so I won’t feel the needles .  Yes, needles, fine needles that they will punch through your face.

To administer and make the Biotulin effectively, FNT or needling is advised , especially in the Philippines.  However, abroad, like in Germany where the product comes from, they can just apply with the hand and spread all over affected areas or areas you want to improve.

For my third time I had my doctor do half of my face. Mostly upper part, around my  eyes and forehead because that’s where the concentration of wrinkles are.

Biotulin at Flawless

My doctor at Flawless said she still wanted to do lower part of my face coz it’s getting dry.  But she didn’t put anesthesia in there. She said she will just have the FNT setting lower so it won’t hurt that bad.  My real concern was the redness. Remember the first time I had the Biotulin treatment with FNT (story here).  My face was horribly red!



This treatment was fine. Redness was minimal if it even was. Day 1 today and look my face looks fine and I look a day younger already. Haha!


What I think of Biotulin?

First, it was said to be able to reduce wrinkles and see visible results in an instant. To compare how my face looked four months before having tried the product here is a photo

Biotulin Treatment conclusion

Looking at the photo, I did lose weight. Wrinkles around the eye is less prominent, probably only when I smile.

What I like about the Biotulin is that I can use it as a foundation base to keep creases at bay, especially the undereye area.

It would be wise if aside from getting the Biotulin treatment at Flawless you keep a bottle of it handy . It is best to use morning and night to see the best result.  Using it as sporadic as I did will have very little effect so using it more often and continuous is the best way to keep wrinkles at bay.

But as with any kind of skincare product and routine, you should always be consistent and mindful.

How about you have you tried Biotulin yet? How was your experience?


Stay gorgeous everyone!

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