I love Harley Quinn because of her fun, crazy I could care less presence. I also love her for her wild fashion statement and her fantabulous face/makeup and hair!
I love her so much that I went to the see the advanced screening wearing a Harley Inspired look!
What Earth Thinks if It? Her POV
Her introduction at the Suicide Squad was not my favorite , I didn’t Ilike her much when she was with Joker. But knew at the end of Suicide Squad there was something more about her that needs exploring.
The Birds of Prey: the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn movie was the perfect origin movie for Harley as Harley and not just the girlfriend or partner in crime of Joker .
As a woman, I can definitely relate to what Harley feel in the movie. Her personalltu may appear over-the-top, but of course it’s a movie and everything is exaggerated a few times more. It’s all about finding herself and identity.
I love Birds of Prey because it focused on Girl Power. It’s the perfect girl gang movie! The women dominated in this movie and I couldn’t be any happier. If you see the poster, there are four other women in this movie who are equally bad ass.
The fight scenes are super fun and creative. The women were fun, sexy, powerful and gorgeous !
I actually wanted to watch it again because it’s super fun. It’s the complete opposite of the Joker movie!
Earth gave it 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
What Marcus Thinks of It? His POV
I don’t think I’m the only one who was attracted to the slick, mysterious, anti-hero that was Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad. So, I was excited to see that character continue in her own story…with added bad-ass women no less. But what we got was a little less…. Slick. What was supposed to be a flock of superhero/villain women, turned out to be a group of pretty much normal women dealing with issues that normal women deal with. Mostly. Don’t get me wrong.
Harley had her bad-ass moments where we saw bits of what she was in the Suicide Squad. But mostly she was whiney and haphazardly running for her life. And the flock? They were just normal women… each with a tiny bit of something special, until one of them actually showed her power… one time.
I realize I’m just a guy who was looking for a superhero movie. Maybe someone else who can relate more to what the characters experience would be able to appreciate it more than I. It was just an ok action movie. Not really the super hero movie I was hoping for.
Marcus gave it 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀