The PhilCare Prepaid Health Care Plans + why you don’t need to panic about the Monkeypox

philcare prepaid

After COVID-19, here comes Monkeypox a global health emergency that was announced by the World Health Organization last July.  Since the announcement, there have been 41,000 plus cases worldwide, with 12 death recorded.  Germany has the most number of cases followed by U.S. , Spain and Brazil.

Just recently, I attended an online webinar on MonkeyPox as an emerging health crisis to debunk myths about this virus.  The speaker was Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Christopher John N. Tibayan MD,FCPC, DPSMID who told us that monkeypox is indeed a virus that can be acquired through close contact with an afflicted person.

In the Philippines, the 4th case of Monkeypox has been identified, with two of them not having any travel history to countries with infection.  Because of this, the alert status has been elevated as community transmission might pose a threat.

Dr. Tibayan said you may get this if you have skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, and uses or exchange blankets, pillows, towels, or clothing with someone who has monkeypox or bodily fluid exchange.

So, as soon as you have close contact with a positive patient, it is best to have testing right away. Isolate yourself and do not mix your clothes and beddings and anything you personally use with anyone else.

The testing they do is similar to the Covid-19 RT-PCR and swab testing but a lot of those who were identified positively with it don’t undergo testing until it’s too late.  Too late meaning the visibility of rashes like a mall pox on the skin manifested already.

monkeypox philcare

Anyway, Filipinos need not be super alarmed with this virus as health care providers and front liners know how to handle such things, all we need now is to be well-informed and financially capable in case we need to be hospitalized.

I know this is one of the bigger worries of Filipinos, hospital bills, but as I have mentioned earlier you may avail  PhilCare’s extensive prepaid plans to get assured of proper health care in case of emergencies.

Yes, in case you didn’t know PhilCarre actually has prepaid Health Care plans that are very affordable for every Filipino can avail.  Such as those you can see in the photo below:

Philcare Prepaid Health Care Plans

philcare prepaid plans


Philcare’s prepaid plans start at Php800 only, this is for the prepaid online registration only Emergency Health Plan with 12 months of coverage and can cover people from 6 months old to 65 years old.

Here’s more details of the Philcare Prepaid Emergency Health Plan

Type of use: Single use
Access Type: Hospital-based (500+ PhilCare accredited hospitals
Hospital Access: Without major hospitals
Coverage Limit : Php 50,000
Coverage Emergency:  Outpatient
Special Modalities: Php 5,000
Pre-Existing Condition: (PEC) PEC is not covered. Coverage for Viral, Bacterial and accidents
(except for stroke) only. Congenital condition coverage Not covered
The waiting period from the activation date:  7 days

As shown in the photo above there are a lot more prepaid health care plans you can avail of from PhilCare Prepaid Health Care Plans. There are also plans for unlimited consultation with a doctor, dental and so much more like mental health care.

I was delighted to find that they also have this mental health care plans like the Mind2Care Prepaid Plans that start at Php1,000 pesos only.

For the Mnd2Care Prepaid Plans here are the details

Age Eligibility 18 y/o and above (65 y/o)
Covering Period 12 months
Access Type: Online via Heyphil App
Type of use: Single-use

MindCare Coverage: 1 counseling session with a licensed counselor (50 mins.)
• MH Screening
• Counseling activities
Medical Coverage 1 Consultation (FM, GP, IM)
Pre-Existing Condition (PEC) : Covered (see covered mental disorder)
Congenital condition coverage:  Not covered
Exceptions: ER, Dental, Maternity, Derma, specialists escalated Mental conditions, etc.

I can talk about it some more but representatives from PhilCare can discuss this better or you may read through their brochure by scanning the QR code below:

Philcare prepaid plans

Honestly, I am loving these prepaid health care plans because it is so affordable and easy to access and register online.  Let me know if you get one for yourself and your loved ones #ShareyourPhilCareJourney #PhilCareat40 #JourneywithPhilCare.

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