Care Tips for a Child with Autism

Caring for a child with autism is difficult if you think it is difficult. If the parent is not mentally strong, the child can never think of surviving in this cruel world. So, the first care tip for the parents here is; be strong. Listed below are other tips that should help you take good […]

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Wishing for a Better Childhood

I grew up in a household full of kids. Well OK it was a compound/aparmemt complex where almost all my father’s siblings live except for one. Therefore I grew up with a lot of playmates and love and affection from my relatives. I had a great childhood. As I write this I can’t help but […]

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Autism Acceptance Month

‘A couple of years ago, during the time I started this blog, every 2nd day of April is the World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD).   I am so excited to announce that our allies in the world are now shifting from autism awareness campaign to autism acceptance this year 2013.  In line with this the […]

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Make The Rights Real For Persons With Autism

Today is the World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) as declared by the United Nations in December 2007.  The theme this year is “Make the Rights Real for Persons with Autism”. Sadly, most families afflicted with autism in the country hardly know of their rights or even bother to claim such rights because of the red tape […]

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What Do You Know About Disability

I know most of you would not mind reading this post as this doesn’t concern or interest you in any way.   I was like you eight years ago.   My view about disability was confined with persons who shows very obvious signs impairment like being deaf, mute, blind, crippled, and with physical deformities or […]

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