Guilt Ridden Office-Working Mom

(Tribute to Moms: 2nd of Three Parts)

All mothers are working mothers. When you become a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts and decisions. A mother always has to think twice, one for herself and once for her child.

Office-working-moms are all too aware of the mixture of guilt, pride, remorse, ambition, and hesitant self-awareness that greet and nag at them everyday. They all know the gamble involved in trying to juggle a family life vs. making in big in their fields.

When they choose a day in the office over a day at home, we take a risk of missing out their child’s milestones. And when they choose to stay at home, they risk being passed over for an assignment missing out career advancement and personal fulfillment. The predicament is even worse to single moms because they need to assume the role of both parents. They are torn between survival and raising our offspring.

I’ve been in and out of different companies and jobs for the past couple years since I became a single mom. If I have a choice I would stay on a regular job at a particular company with regular working hours but since I need to balance time for my daughter and enough money to provide for her needs I have to move from one job to another (especially when child care is not available). Finding a trustworthy and reliable child care is so hard these days I’ve had 4 already.

Single office-working moms have to fulfill different roles at the same time, mom, employee and daughters’ to their parents, since I believe most single moms like I was would be comfortable living with my parents so that we have someone trustworthy to watch out for out kids while we are at work.

Single working moms, and all office-working moms are indebted to the support of their immediate family, like I am with my mom and sister. It’s hard to carry on without any help at all. I believe I would go insane if not for them. They are my angels here on earth.

Office working moms have to consider having a job offer that pays well and with at least a flexible working hours or a regular working hours that they can allocate time for their children.

Some people assume that office-working-moms are unreliable and not loyal employees because they sometimes leave work to tend to their children. Some think they are selfish, thinking of career advancement than take care of their children.

They sometimes feel guilt when they do well in their office career and feel they are a failure as mothers because they are not always there for their child when they should, and half the time they are away and left to the care of their child minders.

People are so good at telling other people what to do. They don’t realize that single parents like me juggle between needs and duties and obligations. If they genuinely care they don’t need to say what ever needs to be done but do instead. It’s easier said than done.

Give consideration and be more appreciative of your mothers, all mothers in the world. They deserve every bit of appreciation in any way we could give to them.

Moms, office-working or not, single parents or housewives are pre-occupied, heave and ready to burst open. If we don’t give our chance to exercise our inner freedom we will wither and will not be able to do our roles. It will not only result to burn out but we may become bitter and angry. Husbands and kids not want angry moms right?

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