Your PS3, XBox 360 and Nintendo Wii is Dangerous!

Slow down in using your game consoles; Greenpeace set another warning about your favorite “toy”. Sony’s PS3, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Nintendo’s Wii were tested positive for a variety of hazardous chemicals, including polyvinyl chloride (PVC), beryllium, bromine, and phthalates.

Greenpeace said it found that all three systems contained significant levels of bromine, a chemical linked to impaired memory functions and other health problems. One of the phthalates found in the 360 and PS3, a chemical called DEHP, is also known to interfere with sexual development in mammals, especially males. The other phthalate, DiNP, found only in Xbox 360, is prohibited from use in toys and childcare articles if children can place them in their mouth. (Read full report here)

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