Tackle it Tuesday – Rooms Make-Over

My sister would sometimes call me OC (obsessive compulsive), I have the habit of being grumpy when I see mess and no matter how tired I am I fix the mess. But sometimes when I am being lazy I leave all the mess until I am tired seeing them and I clean up.

I think I overworked myself last week, reason for my terrible flu (I already called a home-service masseur to give me a full body massage, I need it badly). So yeah, I finished my cleaning last Saturday as soon as I got the message my aunt died, my work was done. I tackled my sister’s room (that I just turned into my walk-in closet since she doesn’t stay with us anymore); and made it my daughter’s little “play/practice room and my home/office bedroom.

From this mess!

To this!

Anyway, what I did was group my clothes according to color and my underwear drawer where I separated my indoor/at-home underwear and my going out underwear.

So here it is:

From this mess!

To this!

Actually, I would recommend everyone to fix their closet by color it’s easier to manage this way. I also recommend lot’s of hangers so you don’t need to mess a bunch of folded clothes.

Here's something else you can read


  1. I know the feeling Jade, and yeah it’s good that home service is so easy to get here in Philippines!

    I don’t have body aches anymore but now I have tummy ache! Waaaaaaaah!

    I think my body is telling me to slow down!

  2. I am the same but these days I am really lazy. But I must do it now coz we have guests coming….

    Oh and I so want a massage too. If only it’s as cheap to get an on call masseuse here as in PH.

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