Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho for Red Ribbon + Parenting Tips in Raising a Popular Child

I rarely post stories about celebrities because I leave that to entertainment and showbiz blogs. But when I got the invitation to the launch of Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho as the newest brand ambassador of Red Ribbon I did not hesitate to attend.

Which mommy  doesn’t know Scarlet Snow ? She’s the adorable little online sensation daughter of her equally well-known doctor parents Hayden Kho and Vicky Belo and for her first brand ambassadorship (aside from her parent’s business of course) Red Ribbon was fortunate to get her as the Rainbow Chaser thanks to the suprisingly colorful and chocolately birthday cake Rainbow Dedication Cake.

Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho Red Ribbon Rainbow Dedication Cake

Everyone will get to see Scarlet Snow’s commercial with cake-loving cartoon friends Don and the Rainbow Chasers on TV and online now that she is launched.

It was my first time to try the Rainbow Dedication Cake and surprised how good it taste.  Chocolate toppings was not too sweet and the cake itself is soft and airy (no umay factor).

Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho Red Ribbon Rainbow Dedication Cake


Incidentally Dr. Belo and Dr. Kho shared some parenting tips in raising a popular child.

Treat her as an ordinary kid. 

Dr. Belo:  We don’t make her feel she is extra-special or super popular. We want her to grow up as a normal ordinary child.  We put her up in a school that nobody knows her (mostly foreign kids and parents) so she is treated as someone ordinary and grow up as ordinary.  She doesn’t have an idea that she is very popular. We don’t make her dress fancy just normal and ordinary.

Protecting her social media image.

Dr. Kho puting up her social media account was a means to protect her in the future. Knowing she is a child of known parents we wouldn’t want anyone to use her name and photos on her account even if it wasn’t her.  We as parents make sure that whatever we put online about her is something we believe in and value, like   faith,  hope,  love , family,  positivity and the like.

Gadget usage.

Dr. Belo:  The hardest thing for a parent to do is say no to something they want. But we make sure she only gets limited time using gadgets to avoid any othrr problems. You know like irritability and anything else that comes with screen dependency.

Dr. Kho :  We also make sure she got enough activities to deal with that she would only have little time to think about cellphone or iPad to entertain her.

Dr. Belo:  When we are all doje withbour work for the day her father has a lot of story to tell at night.

Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho Red Ribbon Rainbow Dedication Cake

I am definitely mezmerized with the adorable Scarlet Snow and admire the positve change it brought her parents. Scarlet Snow is definitely a rainbow that brings her 2million followers happiness for free!

Meanwhile at the event theybset up a play area for the kids at the event brought by their parents.  I brought Tasha with me and she was able to play with  coloring books with Scarlet Snow.

Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho Red Ribbon Rainbow Dedication Cake

Scarlet Snow Belo-Kho Red Ribbon Rainbow Dedication Cake

The Red Ribbon Rainbow Dedication Cake is available at all Red Ribbon stores in the country.  Aside from the personalized message it is topped with rainbow-colored lollipols and multi-colored candy with a colorful layered cake inside.

Have you tried the rainbow dedication  cake before?  How about following Scarlet Snow on Instagram? You know what to do ?

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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