New Outlook on Nightouts

N (ABC Wednesday Letter of the week) is for New Outlook on Nightouts!

Last Friday I went out of curiousity to a Bloggers Night Out treat hosted by Taste Asia at SM Mall of Asia sponsored by Pantene. Albeit the night was fun with free food, booze, gifts and meeting new friends, I feel I kinda outgrown night outs as much as I did 10 years ago.

I think being a mother changed my outlook in night outs and I don’t go out as much as I did 10 years ago where I would go clubbing every weekend for an all nighter with my friends, but now I feel guilty being away from home after midnight. I always want to be home before 12 like Cinderella. But now, birthdays is just the reason for me to go on a night out.

Nothing has changed on the type of crowd and the kind of fun people have in clubs but it seems kinda bit boring to me or maybe because I have outgrown having that kind of fun? Or maybe I was not comfy with the crowd because I barely them just a couple I know through blogging? Maybe.
So with this in mind I will go experiment next Friday, October 31, me and my best friends, Christine and Rachel, will go for a night out. It was kinda funny Christine texted me saying “Best friend, is it ok to go out? I think I don’t know how to socialize anymore. I think I don’t know how to enjoy a nightout now.”

Yup seriously, that was what she texted me, well in our vernacular of course (Tagalog) and it was funnier than how I translated that in English. Christine has two kids 6 and 2 years old and since having a child she was a stay-at-home mom, not working, not going out much, but just once in a blue moon and always involves me inviting her to go out of her shell.
Rachel is also the same, never went for a night out anymore but mostly days out with her other friends, sometimes with the kids or with her husband. She too has two kids, 9 and 7. “Ok bestfriend, I will be there come rain or shine!” Rachel replied to my invitation without batting an eyelash.

Rachel and I have been planning to go out since my birthday last January but as time won’t allow, sometimes the rain was so horrid reason to go out, or some emergency about the kids, which is really understandable. That is why that was her reply “come rain or shine”.

The kind of night outs I used to enjoy varies depending on which group of friends I am with, disco and dancing with single friends, karaoke with married or coupled friends, or drink the night away at a bar, or eat out or pig out with busy working friends or just lounge at a posh hotel bar and listen to the music and chat the night away.

So, how about you how do you enjoy your nights out? Has it changed since you’ve become parents?

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  1. E-G, going out is so much fun esp. with girlfriends. My husband & I had our son later & did not leave him without one of us until he was 5 yrs-old. He's almost 14 and now I go to concerts/opera/trips with girlfriends. Also, I wanted to tell you that you are a truly beautiful person – in looks and in your inner self. Take care, Natasha

  2. Very nice post…There is such a vast range of ages of all of us bloggers…when I had young children I rarely went out, I think I should have gone out more now when I look back. Now I go out a lot more than when the children were young.

  3. I’ve had one night out since 1978 – I had a great time, but it’s not something I’d want to repeat (I can’t stay awake!!!)

  4. I used to spend my teenage years longing to go out every night, and sulking when I couldn’t. Now we rarely go out, and I don’t miss it!

    It is always difficult when you have children, and I guess we got out of the habit… and also lazy.

    I bet you have more fun when you go out with your best friends. It will be a different thing altogether!

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