Sentimental Moments – Mommy Moments

I was not able to join Mommy Moments last week and so instead of the theme for this week which is Daddy Moments I’ll do last weeks theme Sentimental Moments because there’s no Daddy Moments to speak of.

Moving forward, this is the most sentimental moment I could ever think of late. This was October last year when she had her neurological test (EEG) where her neuro found she has epilepiform discharges (epilepsy) prevalent during her sleep. This was not my favorite moment but seeing this crushed my heart so bad that I wish I can take away all my daughters sorrow and that instead of this fragile innocent child I’m the one afflicted with it.

Tasha on EEG

Another sentimental moment for me was her chat with her Tita (Aunt) Olay. She has not seen her aunt for months after she left to work abroad. She and her aunt is very close actually most people think they look more alike. This was the first time I saw my daughter recognized and interact on the internet and was the first time I saw she missed someone. I was teary eyed when I saw her kiss the screen and she was jumping for joy when she saw her Tita fullscreen.
Tasha chatting with Tita Olay

When her Tita came for a vacation last December 2008, another sentimental moment happened but I was not able to take a shot because I was overwhelmed with what happened. My daughter jumped for joy when she saw her Tita back she was laughing and jumping and kissed her Tita. It showed how much she missed her. So the myth that people with autism doesn’t have any emotions is not true.
mommy moments

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  1. Tama ka na kapag anak na ang nagkakasakit kung puede lang we trade places with them. How our heart breaks when they cry for help but we can’t do anything but embrace and cry with them in the hope of alleviating the slightest pain they feel…All the best for you sweet daughter! 🙂

    yami’s latest blog post..Wasting time on waste

  2. You princess really loves tita Olay.You are so blessed to have a beautiful daughter mommy=).Btw thank you for dropping by and hope to see you again in Mom’s Special Diary.

    Have a lovely day!!

    Mommy Jac’s latest blog post..mommy moments-Daddy!

  3. btw, I try to buy an ads on your EC but when i click your profile, it says no widget,bakit kaya?eh ayan naman oh!

  4. that was so sweet,ganda din ng daughter mo, my son do the same thing when he missed his dad nuong nagbakasyon kami ng matagal sa pinas. 🙂

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