Exclusive: What Carmina Villaroel Thinks Of BB Gandanghari

Another Earthlingorgeous.com exclusive.  Finally this is the first time Carmina Villaroel breaks her silence and tells everyone what she thinks about BB Gandanghari.  BB Gandanghari formerly known as Rustom Padilla is Carmina Villaroel’s ex-husband and Carmina has not met him/her yet.  Honestly, Carmina told us that she donesn’t know how to regard BB, a he or a she.  She seemed still uncomfortable talking about BB.

Carmina said she has not met BB as BB but as far as Rustom was concerned they are alright.  She said she is open to meet BB someday but there is no initiating the meet for her, let time do it for them.

Watch this unedited video clip it will tell you what she honestly feels it was taken during the Ensembles Debbie Co. launch last Friday, May 15, 2009.

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  1. @ Dinah, Yami, Tetcha and Frances yeah we can only assume she was really nice for not being too outspoken about what she feels about it.

  2. Ya, I like Carmina. Hello, kung malaman kong bakla ang asawa ko, di ko yata kayang di magsalita! So kudos to her for respecting her ex-husband’s wish to remain in the closet until he was ready to come out of it. It is after all his decision.

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  3. Wow, scoop ito, Earth!

    being quiet/reserve about the BB issue does a lot for Carmina’s personal life.

    Tetcha was right, di ba there were rumors noon pa about Rustom’s sexual preferences. But it was Carmina who took all the blame or being blamed for the split up.

    How would they address each other kaya when they finally meet up?

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  4. I agree, we must commend Carmina for not badmouthing his ex-husband. For all we know, Ruston’s “change of heart” may be the cause of their separation, but Carmina kept mum about it.

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