Movie In Review: Star Trek

There were so many Star Trek movie in the past but I haven’t seen any of them. I was not a trekkie. When I was a child Star Trek did not appeal to me, I could not relate. All I see was a bald guy, people with pointy ears, people and aliens that look like monsters. Spock is someone I heard as the character but I can’t give any essence to his person. I can only remember very few about this then sci-fi TV series.

I saw Star Trek twice in the theater yesterday, I did because I wanted to digest the movie. I was amazed by the beginning of the movie. The opening scene- which shows the birth of Kirk – is a breathtaking spectacle and sets the tone perfectly.
Star Trek Movie Poster
The Enterprise

Then I was lost again after the next sequence. I was trying to recognize familiar faces and still I could not.

Don’t get me wrong, I liked the movie, but not as much as a trekkie would. I was not ecstatic over the plot because I don’t know what it’s all about. There are laugh-out-loud moments, I caught myself laughing while others in the theater with me remain quiet. I wonder if they understand the movie at all or grasp the humor. Maybe they are not a trekkie like I am too?

I watched it twice so I can try to grasp some more of the movie. The first time I saw it I was lost although I understand it was about how the people at The Enterprise came to be.

The Enterprise crew

Pavel Chekov, Capt. James T. Kirk, Scotty, Dr. Lenonard “Bones” McCoy,  Hikaru Sulu and Lt. Nyota Uhura

So my assumption that none of the scenes in the movie make sense to me because none of it was ever shown. I’d say it was a good introduction to Star Trek for me. Introduction to Spock being the stoic half-Vulcan, half-human that he is. Introduction to Captain Kirk and his acceptable funny arrogant nature. Bones and his quirky attitude, Scotty and his funny accent, Sulu the cool Asian pilot in the movie , and Uhura the smart black lady that apparently was a love interest of Spock.

I was surprised to learn that Wynona Rider was in the movie and Nero was Erick Bana!

For non-trekkie fans out there, I would recommend you see this movie so you get acquainted with the crew. But for trekkie fans, I heard they all loved the movie they can relate because it had some elements of the past Star Treks.

Three are just a couple of flaw I saw in the movie like the explosion of the red matter has some discrepancy. When it was dropped at Vulcan it consumed the planet instantly. When it collided with the Romulin jellyfish mother ship the explosion was not that elaborate despite its bigger quantity.

Also they all speak English even the Ramulin (LOL) I remember from the series they speak alien language.  They didn’t even made use of Uhura’s skills to interpret alien language she had credentials in xenolinguistics.


But overall the effects was great! I love the overview of The enterprise!  They acquainted me with the characters I don’t know of before.

Spock and Kirk

The only familiar thing to me was the ending. When this familiar voice over narration spoke the lines I’ve heard before in the TV series.

Director: J.J. Abrams

Genre: Sci-fi

Chris Pine … James T. Kirk
Zachary Quinto … Spock
Leonard Nimoy … Spock Prime
Eric Bana … Nero
Bruce Greenwood … Capt. Christopher Pike
Karl Urban … Dr. Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy
Zoe Saldana … Nyota Uhura
Simon Pegg … Scotty
John Cho … Hikaru Sulu
Anton Yelchin … Pavel Chekov
Ben Cross … Sarek
Winona Ryder … Amanda Grayson
Chris Hemsworth … George Kirk
Jennifer Morrison … Winona Kirk
Rachel Nichols … Gaila

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