Should I Make A New Blog?

If you are one of my subscribers I would appreciate any feedback. Do you feel overwhelmed by the many updates in a day you get from this blog or it’s just fine with you? You see, there’s so many interesting pieces of information that I want to share with every one and I feel this single blog could not occupy all of them.

With that in mind I am torn between getting a new blog or just upgrade my hosting to unlimited everything (bandwidth and disk space). Your feedback would definitely help me if I need another blog or not.

Top 10 Web HostingI could say that I am content with my blog host provider but I was advised by someone to get a different web host the next time I decide to get a new blog and web host just so I can explore more options. And it’s absolutely great to know that seven out of 10 best web hosting ranked now accepts Paypal payment. Most of the offers are unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space and unlimited e-mail and the price is very affordable.

The new blogs would be a niche blog one would be for shopping and fashion and the other would be for food and travel. I already have some domain names in mind but until I’m sure I can handle two new blogs I want to stick with

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