Yearly House Inspection And Maintainance

The neighbor just cut down the big caimito tree in their front yart that virtually shaded our rooftop veranda from everyones view around the neighborhood.  Now that it was cut our rooftop is so in plain sight as soon as you enter the walkway from the main highway down to the basketball court.

It’s actually nice to have the area clear, now I can have a nice view of the sky again especially at nightime where I habitually look up and watch the stars on a clear night.

However, there is one problem.  See the fence upstairs is maid of palochina wood and I was shocked to see that some termites chewed on most of it and they need replacement soon.  We could use the Ronseal Fence Sprayer to get the replacement fast before termites eats up the whole place when we leave.

I guess all houses needs a yearly inspection and maintainance to keep it liveable and away from pests.  I suggest you do your house inspection now before it’s too late.

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