People’s Anguish Spark As President Arroyo Visits President Aquino’s Wake

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo went straight to the late President Corazon “Cory” Aquino’s wake as soon as she  got back from her U.S. trip at around 3:48am today, Wednesday, August 5, 2009. However her stay lasted for less than five minutes as an akward moment was seen at her presence.

Senator Noynoy Aquino had no choice but to welcome President GMA on the wake as he is the only family member present at that time.  Although he was the one who announced earlier that Mrs. Arroyo is not welcomed at his mother’s wake.

President Arroyo and Noynoy talked for a few seconds with him pointing at his mother’s coffin.  People who are watching at the wakes livestream asked what could they be talking about.  My evilness replied: “Look at my mom and maybe somehow you will feel a pinch of conscience.”

After which, President Arroyo stood up and went to see the late President Cory Aquino’s remains in no less than 10 seconds.  She just made the sign of the cross closed her eyes and left like she was doused with fire!

People’s anguish at her arrival at the wake sparked.  But of course as protocol procedures even if she doesn’t want to be there she has to.  Poor Noynoy he had to be civil with her at that awkward moment.  People wondered how would Kris react if she was there.  It might look worst than this.

The people accepted the sympathy of the Marcos family rather than President Arroyo’s.

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  1. @ Pilipino , before jumping into conclusion you should have asked first why they do not welcome her… they took away their guards while the ceremony for her funeral was happening… as order by her… and even if the family said they do not welcome her she came and noynoy entertained her…

  2. the marcoses, family of the late ferdinand perceived to be the person behind ninoy’s death welcomed by the aquinos and arroyo wasn’t? only in the philippines…. what could/would have been the reaction of the late first woman president? truly in philippine politics, there’s no permanent friends/enemies, only permanent interests….. noynoy and his siblings just lost my respect. my two cents.

  3. @ Joey and Lizz yeah very akward must have been hard for everyone in there…

  4. To be fair, GMA was in an awkward, damned-if-she-did, damned-if-she-didn’t situation herself. If she didn’t go, I’m sure there will also be negative comments about her.

    So was Noynoy (being in an awkward position, I mean). He did not want to welcome GMA, but had to, out of civility.

    Tita Cory? I believe she’s already beyond that. May she rest in peace.
    .-= Joey´s last blog ..World Breastfeeding Week =-.

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