Yabu House of Katsu hit Metro Manila with a storm when their first branch in SM Megamall that they need to open another branch, this time at Robinsons Magnolia, the new mall in town just along Aurora Blvd. If you remember the old Magnolia house/ factory/ ice cream place along Aurora Blvd. across St. Paul Quezon City that’s the place. Yabu is located at the basement.
The opening of their second branch in the country was attended by my favorite bloggers, finally a breather from my very stressful home life! Great food and great company what a perfect combo!

Grabbed the group shots from Ana Gonzalez and Shai Lagarder, my gadgets all went lo-bat na! Not even able to get food pics! Kalurks!
If you want to read about the most delicious and huge Katsu in town! Read My first Yabu: House of Katsu experience and get the Katsu Craze on here.

Congratulations Yabu! I wish for more branches to come especially in SM Fairview! Haha!