ShiSeido Pop-up Mask Review

I’ve been a fan of facial mask sheets.  My ultimate favorite is the Neutrogena Fine Fairness mask and I don’t think there’s nothing else that will top that one.  But I don’t think they are not available anymore, and if they are, they always ran out of supply here.  Because of that I need to find something else.  One of the new facial mask I bumped into is the Shiseido Pop-Up Mask which was a sampler from my November 2012 Glamourbox.

Shiseido Pop-up Masks
Product info:

A concentrated treatment sheet mask that encourages skin’s natural recovery function and provides a rich infusion of moisture to help improve texture. Restores youthful suppleness and radiance with a single application.   You would need to have the Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Resist 24  Balancing Softener to use the pop-up mask.

Shiseido Pop-up Mask and Shiseido Benefiance  Wrinkle Resis 24 Balancing Softener
How to use:

How to use the Shiseido Pop-up Masks

  1. Place the mask on the palm and saturate the mask with softener.
  2. Once the mask has absorbed the softener, spread the mask.
  3. Gently apply the mask on the face, leaving it on for 5 to 10 minutes.

How to use the Shiseido Pop-up Masks
What I think of it:

  • It’s really hard to tell if it works or not because I don’t have much of a balancing softener to use it more than twice.
  • I got a 7ml sampler bottle of the balancing softener and I think I need the entire bottle to completely saturate one pop-up mask.
  • I felt some tingling sensation when I applied the mask on.  To some it may sound bad.  But for some this is a sign that it is working on the skin recovery component.  I think 5 minutes is not enough.  Maybe 8-10 will do.
  • The mask is very absorbent so you need a lot of softener to completely saturate it and make it hold-on your face for minutes.
  • TIP: Use the mask after cleansing!

Do I recommend it?

Like I said earlier there are far better facial mask out there that is so easy to use and that doesn’t absorbs too much of the balancing softener.  But, if you are a fan of Shiseido products go ahead and get one.

How about you, what did you think of this pop-up mask?  Btw, what is your favorite facial mask, if any?

Stay gorgeous everyone!



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  1. This kind of looks like a hassle to me…and expensive, considering how expensive Shiseido products are. And to use the toner all willy nilly like that, to soak up the mask… makes my wallet hurt just thinking about it!

  2. I havnt tried pop up mask but shiseido have some good produs\cts may i say they have the ones whos very good in term of beautifyng ourselves. I shud try one this soon! xx

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