Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you. To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on, please shine down on,
Please shine down on me!

I used the Revlon Nail Art Expressionist Gold and White from two different shades.

It was a little difficult to draw a sun haha I need more practice.I’ll practice and make different designs soon. But for now this golden sun will do!

This design is very simple anyone can do it!

In the pic is the BellissimaFirenze multi-purpose Audrey bag in baby pink and light blue. It’s super pretty!

You may order you own customized iPhone case and other lovely bags and laptop cases at Bellissima Firenze at their Facebook page.
Now back to my nails.

The Revlon Nail Art Expressionist is available at all Revlon Beauty Counters at all Beauty Section of Department Stores Nationwide!
Please stay safe and dry! If you have nothing very very urgent reason to go out, stay home with your families at home.
Stay gorgeous everyone!
Oh, you bought Bellissima Firenze purse din pala 🙂 That pink one is really nice. It goes well with your nail polish 🙂
Love your nails, great job painting them, the suns look perfect 🙂
I love nail art. I am not very good at it, but I love yours! 🙂
Your nails are cute but I know I would never be able to pull that off.
Love the nails!