First Period — Mommy Moments

Oh My! I don’t know how long was the last time I posted Mommy Moments on this blog.   But there’s one huge, major milestone involving my daughter and me as a mom.  My daughter’s first period.  Yes, she had hers tonight.  I won’t go into elaborate details but she had her first menstrual period.

I’ve been fearing about how will she deal with this and how will she take it.  I’ve been scared for years.  I was scared because as you all know, she is different, she has autism.  I don’t know how she will take it.   But now, all my fears wiped out.   She is taking it very lightly, like nothing happened.   Just like an accidental pee on her undies!  OK, that’s TMI! Hah!

My gosh I still can’t believe it, my baby

First Haircut
…is now a young lady!

my young lady
I’m now moving on from diapers to sanitary napkins! Oh my!  How time flies, but wait she’s just 11.  I remember I had mine when I was 16!

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Stay gorgeous everyone!

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1 Comment

  1. I remember when I had my first spot. I was really scared and my mom was just laughing at me. She explained that things may now “change” and surely, it did. I think your daughter had it too early..I think I had mine at 13. Thanks for sharing your personal life with us, your readers ^_^

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