My Iron Man 3 Movie Review

I am absolutely missing my movie premiere nights lately. The last premiere I’ve attended was The Dark Knight Rises! Yes, that’s how long it was but this time I won’t miss Iron Man 3 for the world! I am a huge huge fan of Robert Downey Jr. a.k.a. Tony Stark a.k.a. the Iron Man. When I saw preview my heart just can’t help but skip faster than an F1 race car! Hahaha!

Iron Man 3
Anyway, I won’t give you spoilers as I hate spoilers myself. Plus it is better that you see the movie in person so you can see the surprising new twist and turns of the movie! There are a few who didn’t like it but as for me I LOVE IT! Like WOW! I love the fact that they gave Gwyneth Paltrow a.k.a Pepper Potts a much bigger role and exposure in the movie. There were rumors of an Iron Man 4 and Iron Man 5 but Downey looks like he is ready to retire as the Iron Man (but I doubt it).

Iron Man 3
Iron Patriot
Iron Man 3
Pepper Potts
What I think about the movie?

  • I love that it is still as action-packed , very much action pack. In fact I was at the edge of my seat most of the time while watching.
  • I love that there are so many men in the Iron suit.
  • I like Iron Patriot as portrayed by Don Cheadle .
  • There’s a twist in the movie that will definitely make you say OMG!
  • I super like the movie, the set was unbelievable, graphic animation was great.

Do I recommend it?
Absolutely! Go ahead and watch it! If you are a fan, you will love it. If you are a critic there’s some few points you might nit-pick but overall it’s a fun fun fun exciting action-packed movie with a lot of things going!

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 is directed and writen by Shane Black and won’t be shown in U.S. Theaters until May 3, 2013 !

Anyway, I hope you can watch Iron Man 3 and tell me what you think of it!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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