What I Think the Disaster Stricken Visayas Needs Right Now

Evacuate, Clear, Bury the Dead and Rebuild Disaster Hit Areas In Visayas,Philippines.

As much as the survivors of the recent Typhoon Yolanda and the 7.2 magnitude in Visayas need relief goods, shelter,medicine and all the material things to continue to live and survive.  I think right now, what is needed in Visayas right now is that the people there to be evacuated in a safer, cleaner place. This is to prevent them from getting ill because of the debris and the smell of death in the area already.  Moving them away from the devastation will help them feel less depressed and hopeless because of their loss.

  • As soon as they evacuated the area, it is time for the Philippine government and everyone who can help,to clear the debris, recover the bodies,  bury the dead and re-build the places that was destroyed by the disaster .
  • Give psychological debriefing to all affected.
  • Distribute the relief goods and support evenly.
  • Give the adults livelihood/work so they have something to start with and take away their minds from the sadness and trauma.
  • Give them homes so they will gain back their sense of security again.
  • Let the children play .  Give them toys coloring books. Take them to amusement parks
  • Give them something to celebrate about inspite of the loss and the hurt and the pain.
  • PRAY!

ReBuild Philippines

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