The Short and Long of It: My Hair Story and Park Jun Salon Visit

I used to wonder why old women have short hair. Now I understand.

At my age, maybe nearing my menopause in a few years (OMG!) I’m old! Long hair doesn’t appeal to me anymore. It feels restricting and I get bothered by hair on my neck and shoulders. It also makes me feel warm/hot which makes me very uncomfortable. Plus the fact that I get thinning hair after the many hair coloring and treatments I tried! Uhoh!

Two years ago, I decided to cut my hair shoulder length from my below the boob length hair. I admit I kept it long because my boyfriend back then loved long hair. But after we broke up more than two years ago, I decided to let go with that hair. It was kinda liberating. It was also a cleansing experience. Each time I get a haircut I was releasing the negativity and everything that pulled me back. The ex noticed it too,he said each year, after us, my hair gets shorter and shorter. Well, newsflash. He doesn’t like short hair. He prefers long haired women. If he catch-up fast he will get it. But if he’s slow he won’t get it.

Oh my that sounded bitter. Well,let me put it that way, yes and no. I feel bitter because I have wasted so many years. I don’t feel bitter now because it’s over.

Anyway back to my hair story.

I envisioned my hair of that Korean drama I watch everyday at home. Short and wavy and so I got it.

I am slowly inching my way into getting a platinum blonde that I’ve always wanted to try and cross-out my bucket list!

park jun beauty lab

I think I found a salon that I can trust to do it. Park Jun Salon in Glorietta

I always love Korean Salons, I guess I always had a good experience with them .

Park Jun Salon review

Last week I went to Park Jun for a visit and try out their signature hair care treatment, Mucota, that came straight from Japan. They are the only salon in the Philippines that have it.

These are the products that will be used for the Mucota Hair Treatment which takes about 7 steps!


Instead of putting my hair inside a hair steamer, they have the steam coming out of a sort of vacuum type machine where the steam comes out and directed to the hair. Watch the vid!

I super love my stylit Lena, even if we don’t understand each other well, she understood what kinda hairstyle I wanted.

Park jun Salon Mucota hair treatment review

I just told her by sign language and with a translator hahahahaha that I want a little below the chin wavy hair hair just like her but with bigger waves and a side bangs.

Park Jun Salon Glorietta

I love Lena did to my hair! If only I can maintain my hair like this!

Park Jun Salon review

What I think of Park Jun Salon and the Mucota Hair Treatment:
I love their salon it is so spacious and you get to keep your belongings inside a cabinet just across you!.
They serve drinks and their salon assistants are Filipino’s while their senior stylist are all Koreans! Love the Korean vibe inside! No no music but you get to see stylish and fierce looking Korean hair stylist!
I super love the hair massage while they shampoo my hair, it was the BEST SHAMPOO EXPERIENCE IN A SALON I EVER HAD! PROMISE! It was orgasmic lol! It was that good I swear!
My hair was all dry and brittle before the hair cut and the treatment. But after the Mucota hair treatment my hair feel so lively and soft and smooth like I just got a brand new healthy hair!
The styling was great!
Staff was super friendly.
The Mucota Hair Treatment is Php3,200 for my hair length, price is different depending on hair length.

Do I recommend them?
Absolutely ! I visited the Glorietta branch just near Mercury Drug and Hard Rock Cafe. But they have their new branch in Alabang so if you are from the south make sure to try them out! I will be a repeat customer!

How about you, have you tried Park Jun Salon before?

Stay gorgeous eveyrone!

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  1. I love it! I’ve just gotten a bob too and when it gets to shoulder-length, I might have it curled again or maybe try this treatment out. Thanks for recommending the salon!

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