My Transformers: Age of Extinction Movie Review

Well, I was disappointed in this latest Transformers movie. It did sound like the Transformers is in the age of extinction with the way this movie was edited. They wasted a lot of time with unnecessary scenes that bored the hell out of me.

I’m sorry, the graphics were awesome and I am still in love with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. But some scenes were dragging. In fact, even if the movie lasted for 2 hours and 45 minutes, it seemed like forever to me!

Transformers is really a mushy cartoon I watched when I was a child (you know save the Earthlings/humanity from those who want to destroy it because of Faith & Hope & Love) I remember all those robot characters in there and it makes me giddy to see them. It would have made more impact if they cut a couple or more scene to make more impact.

They build up tension then temper down then build it up then down again. There was not long suspension of breath-taking scenes although I was hoping there would be one or at least they sustained the bigger scenes longer than drag the story all the way.

If you are a fan of the Transformers go ahead an watch it. But don’t expect too much. Transformers: Age of Extinction movie sucked that it didn’t made me anticipate about the next Transformer movie. Did Michael Bay really directed the movie the editing sucked. It was like edited by an amateur.

Thank you Solaire Resorts for having me at your Solaire VIP Screening.

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