I feel sad for the kids of this generation. They are turning themselves or are forced to be autistic when they are not.
I say this because I have a daughter who has autism so she has difficulty with social interaction. Even if she wants to play with other kids, kids are afraid of her because she is different. And as sad as it sounds some parents of regular kids wouldn’t want their kids near mine because she might hurt them or might “infect” them? It is an ignorant notion that brought them fear of things they don’t understand which is understandable. I just got tired explaining so I rather have my daughter go to places where she is accepted as she is.
Anyway, as I was saying kids these days, they choose to be autistic or maybe forced to be autistic because their parents are scared-to-death to have their kids play outside with other kids because it is dangerous. They would rather chug their kids with their gadgets (tablets, iPad, androids, PC, Xbox etc) and have them play games online or offline on their own all day because they will be safe.
I had a great childhood, I climb trees, rode bikes, bathe in the rain, get bruised playing chase or hide-and-seek or whatever kids game we have in my time. I enjoyed all sort of games that made me social and made me interact a lot with kids in our neighborhood.

When Nuffnang Philippines invited me to join the Palarong Nuffies I did not hesitate. I want to get myself involved at something physically challenging and interact with my fellow bloggers more than just sit and dine with them during events.
This was the first Palarong Nuffies held at Treston International College at the Global City in Taguig where I was able to reminisce childhood Pinoy street games with my fellow nuffies.
What are Childhood Pinoy Street Games?
They are children’s play involving creativity, physical contact, challenge, resourcefulness, innovation, strategy , team work, exercise and fun!
Some of the Filipino Street Games I used to enjoy were Patintero, Luksong tinik, Bending Body, Tumbang Preso, Shiato, Taguan Pong, Piko, Chinese Garter, 10-20 and the like.
Although the only Pinoy street game we played at Palarong Nuffies was Patintero, some of the games we played there were Parlor Games at birthday parties like Limbo Rock, that went to the Market Thing, Find the coin in the bin of flour, Pass the egg, and all sorts of relay games.
My team was Team Blue, we won 3rd place for the cheering competition! What a shock! Haha!

Have you ever imagine Rowena Wendy Lei like this!
Go Jackie Go! Most flexible Nuffie of the day! Grabe!
Free face powder for everyone!
Camille the Batang Bibo awardeee!
Jackie the Batang Hakot awardee!
Victor Basa won the Most Valuable Nuffie at the games!
Group shot!
It was such a fun experience. I was talking with the other Nuffie that day and we all wish this was not the first and last . We want more and hopefully more players! And maybe next time include Siato , Agawang Base, Agawang Panyo, Tumbang Preso in the games eh?
Thanks to the sponsors Krispy Kreme, Nestle Nestea, O+, and Gardenia.
Read more about the Palarong Nuffies at the Nuffnang Philippines blog!
How about you do you remember any childhood street games you did when you were a child?
Yeah nakakamiss noh?
Nice I miss that traditional game ng pinoy