Take the Pink Minute Save Yourself from Breast Cancer

What can you do in one minute?
One minute every month is all it takes to save yourself from breast cancer. Do the self-breast exam once a month seven days after menstruation or every first week of the month.  Male and female alike should be doing it as men are not spared from breast cancer as well.

If you see something unusual like discharge or lump go and get help.

In the Philippines, once you find yourself needing an examination call these numbers Globe 0917155PINK (7465)or SMART 0928524PINK (7465) . It’s absolutely #FREE! Don’t let your fears stop you from getting help. The less time you waste procrastinating on taking your health for granted the more you save yourself and your family from breast cancer.


Pink minute


Did you know that breast cancer is the number 1 cancer killer in the Philippines all because we shove doing the self-breast exam. One minute is all it takes to do it.  You can do it lying down or standing up.  Google for ways how to.

This year, Avon Philippines’ “Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer” campaign focuses on the importance of taking a “Pink Minute” to make breast self-examination a part of every woman’s habits.

Join the Avon #PinkMinute Advocates in the fight against breast cancer this #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth by following Avon PH KGBC on Facebook.


Avon Pink Minute

An Avon Pink Minute bus will also roam around EDSA which you can get on and have a test.  Avail of it while in traffic and use the pink minute for a worthy cause.

If you need anything else let me know via DM or the comment section below.


Here are the 10 Facts You Need to Know About Breast Cancer.


Stay gorgeous everyone!

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