How Shopwise and DTI Helps Local SMEs Business with #GoLocal

Owning a business in the Philippines is a struggle especial for small and medium sized enterprises. This is specially true for Philippine made and Filipino owned business who wants to go mainstream but can’t  because of high rental spaces especially in popular malls in the country.

Fortunately,  Shopwise Together with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has come up with their Go Local project where SMEs can get free rental for a space at all Shopwise branches in the country.

Yes,  you read that right,  FREE RENTAL of a space for local brands and business owners to put up their products for selling and display at any Shopwise store in the country.  Your products will be placed at the #GoLocal isle of Shopwise where all the local made and owned products are displayed.

To be eligible for this free use of space in a Shopwise you have to be a legally registered business and apply at DTI.  DTI will be the one to approve and recommend the local brand or products at Shopwise.

I was there at the launch of the #GoLocal isle of Shopwise and was delighted to see so many Philippine made products from different parts of the country.   Some of them are actually mainstream  while some still needs to be discovered by everyone!

Here are some of the local products and goods I spotted at the #GoLocal isle of Shopwise during the launch.

#GoLocal at Shopwise

This project is really promising and will definitely help a lot of good Filipino brands and businesses flourish in the market.

You may head straight at DTI or Shopwise near you if you are a local SME owner who wants to avail of that free space. Good luck!

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