Buy or Bye: St. Ives Cleansing Stick Matcha Green Tea and Ginger Review

St. Ives  Matcha Green Tea and Ginger Cleansing Stick

I got a package of all St.Ives products recently and one that caught my attention right away was the St. Ives  Matcha Green Tea and Ginger Cleansing Stick . It is new to my eyes and apparently  St.Ives Cleansing Sticks are new products from the brand.  I immediately tried it out and here’s how to use it:

What I think of it?

  • I love the packaging.  It’s very compact and handy no spills and easy to use.  It’s like a roll on deodorant that you unroll to get the products out and swipe all over your face.St. Ives  Matcha Green Tea and Ginger Cleansing Stick St. Ives  Matcha Green Tea and Ginger Cleansing Stick
  • The Matcha Green Tea and Ginger does not have an overpowering scent it’s very mild and relaxing.
  • You need to wet your face first before applying the product on so it will glide on easily on your face.
  • I like the packaging coz it’s also like an instant face massaging.
  • Minimal suds but powerful cleansing.  It says mild detoxifying which I kinda believe in first use as my face looked really fresh after using it.
  • The texture of the product is very smooth and kinda oily but not the bad kind of oil it’s because I’m it’s ingredients it is made of 100% coconut oil.
  • It’s non drying actually face feels more soft and supple like baby skin! So fresh and clean looking!

Is the St. Ives  Matcha Green Tea and Ginger Cleansing Stick a buy or a bye?  It’s a BUY!  It’s now sold for Php520 a stick at your favorite beauty store!

Stay gorgeous everyone!

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